Sunday 27 May 2012

Studio Project 3

The L bench is designed for groups of people to come and lounge around in the park. Due to the location of the park I chose to design a chair that encouraged more people into the park during the day and in doing this making the park safer for people to be in. Bigge park in Liverpool is a park that is in between schools, tafe, business and next to a station. The whole idea is to encourage people to go to the park after school for example and just eat or socialise with friends. My whole approach was based on safety in numbers and so this L bench can seat groups of people and even encourage people to lay in the sun or eat with their friends in the park on this convenient bench. Violence is quite high in Liverpool area so with more people it would discourage people to start physical fights in the park. The L bench is stainless steel with a powder coated finish this is because it is durable and weather resistant.

Studio Project 3: research

Sunday 22 April 2012

Video Reflection: The light bulb conspiracy

This video "the light bulb conspiracy" was about how a product is deigned to be used for a limited time and then just becomes "obsolete" so that consumer would have to go back and buy it again. They called this "planned obsolescence", this was first started in the 1920s where a group of business  men got together and decided that having a product that lasted forever was not good for business and so the global cartel was created to reduce the life span of the incandescent light bulb. Many things are done like this and what surprised me was how this is being done around us and we really had no idea how deep the issue was for example the printer had the chip so that it counted how much was printed and then locked so that it was "supposedly broken". Before designing anything the engineers already had the life expectancy in mind from the beginning. Not only that this is a problem in today's society, the dumping of e-waste in Ghana was terrible. I guess what i learnt from this is that designing something more sustainable is really important in today's world. That we need to think about the future of the product being made and somehow not creating waste and just create "nutrients" as said in the movie. This is really important for industrial designers to watch to understand "planned obsolescence" fully and see how much it is impacting in the world around us. I really enjoyed this movie and was amazed at all the information on products having little life expectancy on purpose. I guess this is needed to make the world move forward?

Thursday 12 April 2012

Video Reflection: How its made- packaging

This series "how its made- packaging" was actually pretty interesting seeing how packaging we use everyday were actually produced. It showed the different processes of how different types of packaging was made. The different types of packaging they went through were:

1. Molded pulp containers
2. Glass Bottles
3.Packaging Tube
4.Tetra Pak Containers
5. Card boxes
6. Pharmaceutical Blister Packs.

The two that interest me the most were the pharmaceutical blister packs and the packaging tubes. With the pharmaceutical blister packs they go through a lot of testing to make sure the medicine in the blister pack isn't exposed to moisture and air. With the packaging tubes it started of with a aluminium slug that was a size of a coin and was stretched into a tube. Its important for a designer to watch these videos to better understand the process of different types of packaging and pick out which one better suits what they need to achieve.

Video Reflection: Giving Packaging A new life

This series "giving packaging a new life" was informative on the recycling process of different materials and what they are remade into. The materials they covered were:

1) Paper
2) Tetrapak
3) Tin plate
4) Aluminium 
5) plastic
6) Glass

Each video showed the process they go through to be reused. This is important for a designer to watch and understand because it is now important to keep in mind materials that can be recycled so that the products we design are environmentally friendly and not damaging. 
What interested me was how in the aluminium recycling process it used less energy to recycle in comparison to the actual manufacturing of the aluminium. 

Sunday 25 March 2012

Peer comments






Project 1: BioInspired


The brief asked to design a storage system that was bio-inspired and ask ourselves “what would nature do here?” My design “Cape GB fruit bowl” was inspired by the Cape gooseberry this fruit is a tomato like fruit that is encased by a papery husk that protects it against bugs and insects that may eat it. Also with this husk it allows the fruit to stay fresh when picked of the tree for 2-3 days. With the conventional fruit bowl we get fruit flies, flies and cockroaches that may find its way onto the fruit. So to solve this problem I developed an opening and closing fruit bowl that allows you to close it when you don’t need fruit to allow the fruit to keep clean and away from insects that may contaminate the food. Also when opened it allows more fruit to be stored in the two separate compartments when visitors and guests are around. With this design I would probably like it to be made of a clear plastic so you could view the inside and see what fruit is available before opening it to take what you want. I believe this would solve the problem of insect contaminated fruit!!

Sunday 11 March 2012

An inconvenient truth

I watched the movie “An inconvenient truth” and learned many things to do with global warming, impacts of humans on planet earth, conspiracies that are to do with the environment etc. Former vice president of America Al Gore speaks in the video about how everyone should be concerned about where our world is going to head to in the near future if we don’t do something about it now.  With scientific facts he backs up his concerns on global warming and explains how it has already began to affect the environment we live in today. I learnt that if we continue along this path and do nothing about the problems Al gore has showed us we face terrible consequences.  What that kept me interested and entertained was that he related his own personal experiences to what he was explaining about. Giving us picture examples, showing us graphs and explaining what they mean helped rather then just reading about it. Al Gore is a great speaker in this video and kept me interested till the very end of the film.
What I took away from this video was:
1)   That they are a lot of natural disasters happening all around the world and it has gotten worse during these past 100 years.
2)    What I can do as a individual to help: He states in the film "Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive; we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero.……… But in America, the will to act is a renewable resource."
3)   If we don’t do anything to reduce human generated green house gases there will be more climate changed happening.
As a industrial designer this film is important because “us” designers need to be aware of these problems because we are the ones that will try to fix these problems by designing products that will be environmentally friendly.