Sunday 27 May 2012

Studio Project 3

The L bench is designed for groups of people to come and lounge around in the park. Due to the location of the park I chose to design a chair that encouraged more people into the park during the day and in doing this making the park safer for people to be in. Bigge park in Liverpool is a park that is in between schools, tafe, business and next to a station. The whole idea is to encourage people to go to the park after school for example and just eat or socialise with friends. My whole approach was based on safety in numbers and so this L bench can seat groups of people and even encourage people to lay in the sun or eat with their friends in the park on this convenient bench. Violence is quite high in Liverpool area so with more people it would discourage people to start physical fights in the park. The L bench is stainless steel with a powder coated finish this is because it is durable and weather resistant.

Studio Project 3: research